Service registration

Currently, FastConnect API is registered at the counter or through your account executive. We will notify later when online registration is provided. You will need to open SSI trading account to register the service.

Registration steps

Step 1: Go to SSI offices or register by sending registration paper through post office/your account executive.

Step 2: After your request is approved, an email will be sent to your email. You click on the link in the email to complete the registration in our SSI iBoard web.

Step 3: Create API key at Dịch vụ API của iBoard

API connection key includes:

  • ConsumerID: Client identity

  • ConsumerSecrect: Key to access service

  • PrivateKey: Used to create digital signature by RSA 256

Step 4: Copy and store the key displayed on the screen.


+ API connection key is confidential and shown to you once after you finish creating the key. You should store the key carefully and should not let reveal to anyone.

+ Register a fixed IP to use the FastConnet service on your account, Dịch vụ API của iBoard screen and select the button as shown

Last updated