General Information

Service Registration

To start using FastConnect API, you need to register with us.

Follow the registration steps here.

API connection key

To access APIs and streaming hub, you will need a set of connection keys provided by SSI, including:

  • ConsumerID

  • ConsumerSecrect

  • PrivateKey

Refer to this page regarding to connection key creation.

Note: Connection key is confidential information, shown only to you once when you create a new key on our SSI iBoard. Please store it carefully and never share it to ANYONE.

If the API keys were accidentally shared, please delete them immediately and create a new key.

Sample Client

We support sample clients written in Python and Node.js to help you quickly get to know the APIs. Sample clients can be downloaded at the following links.


FC Data

FC Trading


FC Data

FC Trading


FC Data


Refer to FC data sample client guide and FC trading sample client guide for more details.


FC Data

FC Trading


There is a limit on the number of requests sent to system per interval (rate limit). The rate limit is applied to each API. If you send more than this limit, an error message will be sent back.

  • For FC Trading, the limit is counted on each account.

  • For FC Data, the limit is counted on each connection key.

Sample error message for rate limit violation:

  • Regarding API: "API calls quota exceeded! maximum admitted x per y s"

  • Regarding streaming: "Connection has been blocked, quota x exceeded by y"

If you request to increase the rate limit value, please contact to your account executive.

To receive real-time update, you should use streaming connection rather than using API for polling to avoid rate limit violation.


When you first register, the service will be effective till 1 year after. After this expiration date, the key cannot be used to connect to the system. Error message is: { message: 'The connection is invalid', status: 400, data: null }

You need to renew to continue using the service. Refer to this page regarding to service renewal.

SSI sends a email to notify you 7 days before the expiration date. If you don't find the email, please check the junk box.

Digital Signature

Digial Signature is a string generated by a given algorithm, used to check the correctness of data on transmission lines between two systems. Some of the algorithms in use are MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and Hmac. Refer to Wikipedia for more details.

SSI uses RSA + SHA256 to create Signature. Input data includes Secret Key and data, of which, data is a json body with placing/amend/cancel order.

Last updated