1. Order Event
Realtime update of orders through streaming:
VN: cash market
VNFE: derivatives market
True: conditional order
False: normal order
Successful order streaming
instrumentID: "SSI",
market: "VN",
buySell: "B",
orderType: "LO",
channelID: "IW",
price: 21000,
quantity: 300,
account: "0901351",
stopOrder: false,
stopPrice: 0,
stopType: "string",
stopStep: 0,
lossStep: 0,
profitStep: 0
requestID: "1678195",
code: “123456789”,
deviceID: "MAC Address",
userAgent: “FCTrading”
"data": {
Unsuccessful order streaming
instrumentID: "SSI",
market: "VN",
buySell: "B",
orderType: "LO",
channelID: "IW",
price: 1600,
quantity: 300,
account: "0901351",
stopOrder: false,
stopPrice: 0,
stopType: "string",
stopStep: 0,
lossStep: 0,
profitStep: 0
requestID: "1678195",
code: “123456789”,
deviceID: "MAC Address",
userAgent: “FCTrading”
"type": "orderError",
"data": {
"message": "Price 1,600.00 exceeds ceiling price 808.50!",
"notifyID": 15455,
"data": null,
"errorCode": "ERR500",
"uniqueID": "02365132",
"connectionID": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"prefix": "23o"
Successful order amendment streaming
requestID: "93235974",
orderID: "12658867",
price: 1410,
quantity: 2,
account: "0901358",
instrumentID: "VN30F2106",
marketID: "VNFE",
buySell: "B",
orderType: "LO"
deviceID: "MAC Address",
userAgent: “FCTrading”
"data": {
"stopOrder": false,
Unsuccessful order amendment streaming
requestID: "93235974",
orderID: "12658867",
price: 1000,
quantity: 2,
account: "0901358",
instrumentID: "VN30F2106",
marketID: "VNFE",
buySell: "B",
orderType: "LO"
deviceID: "MAC Address",
userAgent: “FCTrading”
"type": "orderError",
"data": {
"message": "Price 1,000.00 exceeds ceiling price 808.50!",
"notifyID": 15460,
"data": null,
"errorCode": "ERR500",
"uniqueID": "65896571",
"connectionID": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"prefix": "23o"
Successful order cancellation streaming
orderID: "12658867",
account: "0901358",
marketID: "VNFE",
instrumentID: "VN30F2106",
buySell: "B",
requestID: "52513603"
deviceID: "MAC Address",
userAgent: “FCTrading”
"data": {
"stopOrder": false,
Unsuccessful order cancellation streaming
orderID: "12658867",
account: "0901358",
marketID: "VNFE",
instrumentID: "VN30F2106",
buySell: "B",
requestID: "52513603"
deviceID: "MAC Address",
userAgent: “FCTrading”
"type": "orderError",
"data": {
"message": "Invalid Order Transition Error!",
"notifyID": 15468,
"data": null,
"errorCode": "ERR500",
"uniqueID": "25162310",
"ipAddress": ":",
"": ",",
"prefix": ":",
"23o": "}}"
2. OrderError
To notify if an instruction (place/amend/cancel) has error.
"type": "orderError",
"data": {
"message": "This channel has been block; disallow to place order ",
"notifyID": 0,
"errorCode": "ORD015",
"uniqueID": "6163422",
"orderID": "T20230504w3806163422",
"instrumentID": "SSI",
"ipAddress": "",
"buySell": "B",
"prefix": "w38",
"orderType": "LO",
"price": 19600,
"quantity": 200,
"marketID": "VN",
"origOrderId": "T20230504w3806163422",
"account": "0322206",
"channel": "TA",
"inputTime": "1683165600160",
"modifiedTime": "1683165600161",
"isForceSell": "F",
"isShortSell": "F",
"origRequestID": "6163422",
"stopOrder": false,
"stopPrice": 0,
"stopType": "",
"stopStep": 0,
"profitPrice": 0,
"modifiable": false,
"note": ""
3. Order Match Event
To notify of matched deal:
"type": "orderMatchEvent",
"data": {
"orderID": "16201867",
"notifyID": 101180,
"instrumentID": "BVS",
"uniqueID": "24194396",
"buySell": "B",
"matchPrice": 1000,
"ipAddress": "",
"matchQty": 100,
"prefix": "t4c",
"account": "1184411",
"matchTime": "1656665019000"
4. Derivatives position
To notify realtime open and close position for derivatives account.
"type": "clientPortfolioEvent",
"data": {
"account": "0901358",
"notifyID": 27,
"data": null,
"clientPortfoliosOpen": [
"martketID": "VNFE",
"instrumentID": "VN30F2106",
"longQty": 9,
"shortQty": 0,
"net": 9,
"bidAvgPrice": 1402.4000244140625,
"askAvgPrice": 0,
"tradePrice": 0,
"marketPrice": 873,
"floatingPL": -476460000,
"tradingPL": 0
"martketID": "VNFE",
"instrumentID": "VN30F2107",
"longQty": 2,
"shortQty": 0,
"net": 2,
"bidAvgPrice": 830,
"askAvgPrice": 0,
"tradePrice": 0,
"marketPrice": 830,
"floatingPL": 0,
"tradingPL": 0
"uniqueID": null,
"clientPortfoliosClose": null,
"connectionID": "",
"ipAddress": null,
"prefix": null